A good guide to buying a pedicure chair.

When buy a pedicure chairs, you need care 3 : What type of bowl ,what type of color and what type of plumbing do you want.

Pedicure chairs come with 2 avenues of bowls. One is the traditional fiberglass bowl which can't break and is a seamless fixture to the chair you are looking at.

Pedicure chair colors range from all areas of the spectrum. You will have a limited amount of solid chairs to choose from. Most chairs are 2 toned for easy design from the manufacturer. you will use more money when like pedicure chair have Solid colors

A pedicure chair comes with various plumbing options. If you have a normal in the floor plumbing situation, you will have an easier time with your chair installation or you need to use a discharge pump to push your water away from the chair, plumbing becomes a pretty big concern. Choose best way you want.

Pedicure selection is easy with Beauty spa expo. The ultimate pedicure spa marketplace.

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